Friday, August 21, 2009

Ode to Sarah Ruth on the day after her birth!

This post is for my sweet friend Sarah whom I have known since sophomore year of high school when she came to Trinity and joined the Drill Team! We have had a whole lifetime of memories together since that time! Not sure if I even know how to write an ode, so i will just be creative with her name in honor of her job as a 1st grade teacher!

Sold out for Jesus Christ
Aunt to precious nieces and nephews - dresses up with them and is always talking about how cute they are and how much she loves them!
Really Compassionate - wanted to use this word, but she doesn't have a C in her name. From her students to little orphans in Africa, Sarah has a servant's heart for the least and the lost of this world.
Addicted to Sonic Happy Hour and Diet Coke with Vanilla
Happy - she can brighten anyone's day with her contagious laugh and jovial spirit!

Relentless - she goes after what she wants...this is a good thing!!
Unashamed - she doesn't embarrass easily and always loves to put on a costume show whether it is grandpa's jeans, boas or a full out Michael Jackson outfit!
Teacher of the year - she loves to teach 1st grade and is really good at it...i have witnessed it! :)
Hilarious - I find myself laughing hard whenever I am with Sarah! She won "Best Sense of Humor" as her senior superlative in High School and got robbed of the "Best Laugh" one!!!

Sarcastic - this is probably why we get along so well...
Mentored - Sarah has been mentored for years by some very Godly women as well as been a mentor herself in the lives of younger girls at church.
Inspiring - whether it is for a child learning to read or a friend who needs encouragement, Sarah can inspire greatness in so many different ways!
The most fun person to be around! We always have a good time together no matter if we are on a great trip or a trip to a ghetto Walmart...we always manage to make some sort of memory, whether we intend to or not!
Hopeful - She isnt content with the status quo and tends to look for ways to become better!

Happy 29th! Hope this is the best year yet for you! :)


1 comment:

Caryn said...

So sweet Lauren what great words of encouragement for such a special girl - Sarah sent me your blog so I'll be following :)