Sunday, March 15, 2009

Missing Texas...

Well, I am currently in a drought of trips to Texas...praise the Lord I am out of debt, but that means I can't just put a plane ticket on the credit card and pay it off later...therefore, I won't be going back to Texas until the end of May for my brother's wedding. This has inspired a blog about some of the things I miss most while I'm living up in the land of College Basketball, sweet tea and Nascar!

1. I miss alot of people of if you are reading this and you live in Texas and I know you, then I miss you!!! I'm just posting one of the littlest people I miss seeing and loving on!!! Miss Kennedy Wood, Auntie Lor misses you!!

2. Food is a big part of my life...I love to eat! These are a few of the things that I can't get up here and am dreaming about having someday soon!!!

3. Watching Texas high school football in person...the best I get up here is Friday Night Lights on DVR!

4. Wearing my Aggie Ring and having people not mistake it for a high school ring...therefore, I do not wear it up here!

5. Going to the movies with Ali and running random errands with Sarah!!!

6. Access roads...don't ask about this one...just be grateful you have them there!!!

7. Knowing my way around town like the back of my hand...last night I led a group of people to the wrong house (way out of the way) for a St. Patty's Day party because I trusted Google Maps and it failed me!!!

8. Getting to hug people I love anytime I want to!!!!

So, I'm missing Texas and all the people in it tonight, but am praying God would continue to use me up here in North Carolina!

On an exciting note, 8 high school students accepted Christ this morning at church and about two dozen middle schoolers rededicated their lives to the Lord and vowed not to continue following a religion but live in a Relationship!!!! Praise God!!!

now that I'm thinking about that, it doesn't make me hungry for Texas food as much!!! God is good!!!

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