Monday, October 20, 2008

Unpacking the Suitcase for a while...

I am back in Charlotte after being gone what seems like the entire month of October so feels good knowing I can spend multiple nights in my own bed for change! Here are some fun highlights from my 10 year High School Reunion! It was a fun time and great to see everyone and what everyone is up to now....10 years later! Good times...most of all it made me grateful for the choices I have made by following God's call into ministry and then all the way out here to Charlotte! God has definitely blessed me with a great job, sweet and true friends and a great place to live (pics to come soon)! So, 10 years after graduating from high school, I gotta say I am pretty happy and grateful!

sweet Kennedy (Ali's baby girl)
My friend Bethany
my "oldest" friend Matt Brennan who I went to elementary school with before TCA
my friend from school and church Timmy Nutter

some of my favorite girls from high school
just a few of the '98 grads at the football game
my best friends from High School - the infamous Yayas!

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