Monday, January 26, 2009

Honest Scrap

So, my sweet friend from seminary,Kerri tagged me to do this thing called Honest Scrap and since i haven't blogged in a while, i thought i would incorporate it into telling you what has been going on in my life this past month.

Here are the rules: you have to list 10 random things about yourself that are true and then tag 7 other people to do the same. So onto the game:

1. I am obsessed with YouTube and all the crazy videos on there...but not the random stuff people think is funny, but actually good stuff like this (T.I./Rihanna "Live your life"): (Thanks to my friend Taylor who put this on his blog...I'm stealing it from you!)

2.One of the things that makes me cry is seeing people get baptized...notice I said one of the things...I cry at just about anything...but for real, there is something amazing about watching someone get baptized. We are having a service for our middle school students at Emerge on Wednesday night where we are going to baptize students, leaders, and even our Middle School pastor Ryan Carson. It is going to be amazing...I am going to bring a box of kleenex for sure!

3. I hate going to the grocery store more than anything else! I would pay someone money to go to the store for me...well, not in this economy...but i wish i could!

4. Sometimes I watch ESPN....for fun! Most of the time though, I am watching something on Food Network, TLC or a DVRed show like 24 or the Office.

5. My celebrity crush is on Chris Tomlin.

6. I have to drink at least 1 Diet Coke a day or I get a splitting headache...I know, that is called addiction and i am working on it!

7. I don't like to fly any other airline than American Airlines...I am brand loyal to them! They still give a complimentary beverage...guess what mine is?...Diet Coke! :)

8. I run a red light every Sunday morning going to church. No one is around and the light is SO long! I am usually running late to our 7:30am meeting, so it is necessary...but i know it is wrong. I feel better having confessed that!

9. I have 2 cell phones that I carry around. 1 work phone and 1 personal (my I Phone)...long story, but it works for me!

10. I have read the book Sex God by Rob Bell 3 times! It is SO good! Read it!

Well, that didn't really tell you as much as I thought it would about what I have been up to. Maybe i will post pictures in my next post from our LockOut, Live Show, Emerge Baptism, etc! So, I am tagging:

Ryan Carson
Ali Wood
Karen Kimmons
Allison Wendler
Kalli Sterling
Brian and Aleisha Stephens
Cheyenne Schultz

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