Thursday, September 27, 2007

I heart...

COLLEGE FOOTBALL! There is nothing like it...especially in a town that i love and miss every Saturday called College Station, TX...I stole this from another aggie's blog and it gave me chills! If you are an'll get chills too....if you're not one...maybe this will give you a glimpse into the reason we are so passionate about our college football team, our university and our beloved town, especially when we are sitting among 80,000 in a little place known as Kyle Field!

I am headed to the University of South Carolina game on Saturday in is fun to get to go and tailgate with friends and their atmosphere there is great...but nothing can compare to a packed house cheering on the team that i truly love!

1 comment:

Jeffie said...

Yeah! So glad to have your blog now! Keep the pics coming . . .love seeing what you're up to! See you this weekend, sweet friend!