Monday, December 10, 2007

Random thoughts of an almost 28 year old!

Well, tomorrow i turn 28 years just sounds so much older than 27. Last year, i had the debate with my friends whether 27 is late or mid twenties...i maintained my firm belief it was mid b/c it is closer to 25 than 30....but there is no negotiating room for this year...i am officially in my late 20's...some other random things in my world right now:

-I finally had to get an NC driver's license...2 1/2 years later than the law says i should and i almost cried when i had to turn in my texas one with my number that i have had memorized since i got my permit at 15...sad, i know!

-It is december in Charlotte and we are 2 hours from the mountains and it is in the mid 70's (73-77) based on my earlier definition of mid-something...anyway, i wore flip flops december...and in Texas, 14 hours from the mountains, it is 30 degrees and freezing....what in the world is happening? is this what they call global warming?

-this year, i visited 2 countries outside the US, made about 20 trips to texas, have racked up some serious advantage miles...and can't figure out what to do with all the pictures i have from these trips... my mind is blank on random thoughts...must be a sign of aging...just great!

I'll post again when i am actually a year older.....

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